Sarfaraz26 Shaadi Proposal

North Karachi Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
My name is Sarfaraz. I have completed my graduation in Commerce group which is offered by University of Karachi. I am doing job in Federal Board of Revenue (FBR
About Sarfaraz26 and His Life Partner
My name is Sarfaraz. I have completed my graduation in Commerce group which is offered by University of Karachi. I am doing job in Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) as a P.A to commissioner Inland Revenue. I am also a tax consultant of our owned business name Shama Associates.
Sarfaraz26's Personal and Physical Details
Sarfaraz26's Hobbies / Interests
Sarfaraz26's Education and Career
Sarfaraz26's Family
Sarfaraz26's Religious & Social Background
Sarfaraz26's Cultural Background
Sarfaraz26's Life Style
About Sarfaraz26 and His Family
My name is Sarfaraz. I have completed my graduation in Commerce group which is offered by University of Karachi. I am doing job in Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) as a P.A to commissioner Inland Revenue. I am also a tax consultant of our owned business name Shama Associates.