Umarfayyaz Shaadi Proposal

Bucks Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK matrimonials
I am studying in Uk and i am also working i am looking for someone decent who beleives in family values.
About Umarfayyaz and His Life Partner
I am living in uk
I am living on my own in London and i have family here.
My aunt and mamoo live in uk
i live with them on weekends.
I have completed my education in Lahore, Pakistan.
I am well educated person.
I have been working in IT and I also have other experience of jobs.
Currently I am residing in Aylesbury, Bucks.
I have completed my education in Lahore, Pakistan.
I am well educated person.
I have been working in IT and I also have other experience of jobs.
Currently I am residing in Aylesbury, Bucks.
I have completed my education in Lahore, Pakistan.
I am well educated person.
I have been working in IT and I also have other experience of jobs.
Currently I am residing in Aylesbury, Bucks.I have completed my education in Lahore, Pakistan.
I am well educated person.
I have been working in IT and I also have other experience of jobs.
Currently I am residing in Aylesbury, Bucks.
I have completed my education in Lahore, Pakistan.
I am well educated person.
I have been working in IT and I also have other experience of jobs.
Currently I am residing in Aylesbury, Bucks.
I have completed my education in Lahore, Pakistan.
I am well educated person.
I have been working in IT and I also have other experience of jobs.
Currently I am residing in Aylesbury, Bucks.
Umarfayyaz's Personal and Physical Details
Umarfayyaz's Hobbies / Interests
Umarfayyaz's Education and Career
Umarfayyaz's Family
Umarfayyaz's Religious & Social Background
Umarfayyaz's Cultural Background
Umarfayyaz's Life Style
About Umarfayyaz and His Family
My family is in Pakistan