Raja1970 Shaadi Proposal

Rue De Champles 35 Wavre, Province De Brabant Wallon, Belgium matrimonials
I am seeking a lifelong partner. maybe we could be compatible for each other?... i am new here if u like my profile send me urs email id ;
About Raja1970 and His Life Partner
Life is so short, Time goes so fast. Sometimes when I look back the past. I just realize I have lost so many beautiful views, I have lost so many kind people. Sometimes I feel very lonely, sometimes I feel very sad, but I find nobody care about me , nobody comfort me. I need a kind lady company with me , I need a kind lady bring sunshine to my life. I need a? . I look for so long time.jest mail me or send urs email Add waiting for u ;;;;;;;;;;who i am ? u will know=====I do believe i am a good and active man.who can bring your happiness.
Raja1970's Personal and Physical Details
Raja1970's Hobbies / Interests
Raja1970's Education and Career
Raja1970's Family
Raja1970's Religious & Social Background
Raja1970's Cultural Background
Raja1970's Life Style
About Raja1970 and His Family
tell u later