Imraan59 Shaadi Proposal

Pimpri Pune, Maharashtra, India matrimonials
. I have been employed in a private international company in PUNE in administration/Manag ement department. I earn Pak Rs. one lakh monthly. I always search for
About Imraan59 and His Life Partner
My name is Imran. I have been employed in a private international company in PUNE in administration/Manag ement department. I earn Pak Rs. 45000 monthly. I always search for a beautiful life partner, who loves me and nothing more than that. She should be very cool and not over confident. This is one of my goal also and secondly to seek and acheive high position and to go abroad is my dream. I can go and settle anywhere if someone asks for and call me. I can help her in working there. i am sincere with the work. Anyone can trust on me with blind eyes.
Something I can\'t , using computers and listening music.
Imraan59's Personal and Physical Details
Imraan59's Hobbies / Interests
Imraan59's Education and Career
Imraan59's Family
Imraan59's Religious & Social Background
Imraan59's Cultural Background
Imraan59's Life Style
About Imraan59 and His Family
have a very small family with only ONE BROTHER and no SISTER BROTHER is married as her hobby . I am the youngest of them. I love my family very much. we belongs to . we beleive in happiness and love only. Love is the wealth of life and this is the most important word if someone understands