Hussain666 Shaadi Proposal

Village Bhakkar, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
asalam.o.alikum my dear my name is munir hussain baloch i am living in pakistan and i am not a very handsome but fair i want a girls who rich in all quality an
About Hussain666 and His Life Partner
i am the simlpe man and like simple life and also simple food item .no take tensan and also remain hapy all the time and all the movnment this is my simple life story
Hussain666's Personal and Physical Details
Hussain666's Hobbies / Interests
Hussain666's Education and Career
Hussain666's Family
Hussain666's Religious & Social Background
Hussain666's Cultural Background
Hussain666's Life Style
About Hussain666 and His Family
my family are a tradaional family he i am a part of joint family system and all person are love each other we are six brother and three sister five brother are married and all sister are married ma family is very big family because joint family system my father are aged and my mother also aged they are spending time with her sons bchildern thery are hapy in simple life all brother are a worker and earn average mony for running home expense we are average muslim/shia my family want a girls which are living any country