Halima377 Shaadi Proposal

IDAHO Allendale, Idaho, USA matrimonials
My son is a Technical condultant working in Delloitte Sydney Australia on PR basis. He is there for the last 3 years. He is very responsible, mature and committ
About Halima377 and Her Life Partner
My son is a Technical condultant working in Delloitte Sydney Australia on PR basis. He is there for the last 3 years. He is very responsible, mature and committed human being. He is simple but smart boy who understand and respect the values of family and people.
Halima377's Personal and Physical Details
Halima377's Hobbies / Interests
Halima377's Education and Career
Halima377's Family
Halima377's Religious & Social Background
Halima377's Cultural Background
Halima377's Life Style
About Halima377 and Her Family
like the people who always maintain a cute smile on their face in all the different colors of life. Simple at Heart Strong on values'''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''!! dats what makes me in & out. and do admire the people thinking on the same lines am quite a transparent soul. Believe in transparency and clarity in relationship.