Daniyal_0786 Shaadi Proposal

Islamabad Nazimabad, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
About Me I am Electronics Engineer Transmission Engineer in a wateen telcom.
About Daniyal_0786 and His Life Partner
Assalam o Alaikum
I believe that couples are arranged in the heaven & just settled on the earth...
marraige is not just a relationship between two persons but its relationship between two families so should be handle with care....
About Me Iam Graduate of electronics engineering, & working as a engineer in a telecom company....
I have applied for immigration of canada as soon as possible i intend to go there.....
I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'am a God Fearing Person.. i love to readng, playing indoor and out door games & music also.
I am an easy going, caring person....
thanks to read about me..
Allah Hafiz
Daniyal_0786's Personal and Physical Details
Daniyal_0786's Hobbies / Interests
Daniyal_0786's Education and Career
Daniyal_0786's Family
Daniyal_0786's Religious & Social Background
Daniyal_0786's Cultural Background
Daniyal_0786's Life Style
About Daniyal_0786 and His Family
We are muslim sunni family and have moderate values about religion. Every one is educated in my family.....
My father is Land lord and my mother is a house wife. my parents are open-minded, religious, & social,....
Though we get together once in a while we still are very happy and down to earth with people.
I love my family and respect da families so its very means for me.
Pray 4 us **********Allah Bless You Also***********