Aliraza88 Shaadi Proposal

aliraza88 picture
Sex: Male - Man,  Age: 45 Years Star: Aquarius,  Residency: Secret

Batapur Jallo Pend Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials

Hi my name is Ali Raza i am Pakistani, I want to marry a girl from out of country.

About Aliraza88 and His Life Partner

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Aliraza88's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionFair Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenYes Hair LengthShort Height170 cm / 5'7" Facial HairClean Shaven 
DisabilitiesNone Weight57 Kg / 126 Lbs / 9 St Blood GroupO+ BuildSlim / Petite HIVNo Eye ColorBlack Glasses / ContactsNone   

Aliraza88's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Bikes / Cars Hobbies Home / Interior Decoration Music Instrumental - Indian Reads Romance Movies Romance Sports Cricket Cuisine Pakistani Dress Style Classic Pakistani - typically Pakistani formal wear

Aliraza88's Education and Career

EducationSecondary / High School ProfessionPrivate
EmploymentUnemployed IncomeSecret

Aliraza88's Family

Father StatusSecret Total Sisters4 Mother StatusSecret
Sister Married2 Total Brothers3 Brothers Married0

Aliraza88's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastNo Cast ResidenceParents Sub Cast
SocializeSecret Mother TongueUrdu Family ValuesSecret

Aliraza88's Cultural Background

Birth CountryPakistan Grewup inPakistan Personal ValuesSecret LanguagesUrdu

Aliraza88's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

About Aliraza88 and His Family

If you double-click a file in Windows and it opens in the wrong software program, follow these steps to choose the program you would prefer to use. You can change this setting for an individual file, or you change this setting so Windows opens all files of the same type in the software program you choose.

Open the folder that contains the file you want to change.

Right-click the file you want to change and then, depending on the type of file, either click Open with or point to Open with and then click Choose default program.

Click the program you want to use to open the file.

Do one of the following:

If you want all files of that type to open in the same software program, select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.
If you double-click a file in Windows and it opens in the wrong software program, follow these steps to choose the program you would prefer to use. You can change this setting for an individual file, or you change this setting so Windows opens all files of the same type in the software program you choose.

Open the folder that contains the file you want to change.

Right-click the file you want to change and then, depending on the type of file, either click Open with or point to Open with and then click Choose default program.

Click the program you want to use to open the file.

Do one of the following:

If you want all files of that type to open in the same software program, select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.

If you want only that file to open in the software program this one time, clear the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.
If you double-click a file in Windows and it opens in the wrong software program, follow these steps to choose the program you would prefer to use. You can change this setting for an individual file, or you change this setting so Windows opens all files of the same type in the software program you choose.

Open the folder that contains the file you want to change.

Right-click the file you want to change and then, depending on the type of file, either click Open with or point to Open with and then click Choose default program.

Click the program you want to use to open the file.

Do one of the following:

If you want all files of that type to open in the same software program, select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.

If you want only that file to open in the software program this one time, clear the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.
If you double-click a file in Windows and it opens in the wrong software program, follow these steps to choose the program you would prefer to use. You can change this setting for an individual file, or you change this setting so Windows opens all files of the same type in the software program you choose.

Open the folder that contains the file you want to change.

Right-click the file you want to change and then, depending on the type of file, either click Open with or point to Open with and then click Choose default program.

Click the program you want to use to open the file.

Do one of the following:

If you want all files of that type to open in the same software program, select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.

If you want only that file to open in the software program this one time, clear the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.

If you want only that file to open in the software program this one time, clear the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.

Aliraza88 Looking Bride for Shadi

Marital StatusSingle Aged18 to 45 years OriginAny ChildrenDont Mind ReligionAny
BuildAny SmokerNone CountryAny DisabilitiesNo Within DistanceAny Miles

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