Adnan0315 Shaadi Proposal

Korangi Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
Salam My name is Muhammad Adnan from Karachi Allhamdolillah I am a Muslim I have done Master in Economics My cast Yousuf zai Urdu Speaking and I am Looking for
About Adnan0315 and His Life Partner
Salam My name is Muhammad Adnan from Karachi Allhamdolillah I am a Muslim I have done Master in Economics My cast Yousuf zai Urdu Speaking and I am Looking for a Deendar and Educated Women I have a around 7 months sweet daughter Allhamdolillah I am a Government Teacher my posting in Korangi 100 qtrs Karachi I have 1pilot in Ghulshan E Sayyadan Nadran bypass Right now I am living in Model Colony in Malir I am living alone with my sweet daughter. father passed away Mother alive 2 brother one is inn Dubai I don''''t have any sister if you wanna ask me any questions you can ask me without any hesitation I would like to inform you one more thing I don''''t need Jehaiz and any I don''''t want any Demand only I am looking for Deendar and Educated woman.
Adnan0315's Personal and Physical Details
Adnan0315's Hobbies / Interests
Adnan0315's Education and Career
Adnan0315's Family
Adnan0315's Religious & Social Background
Adnan0315's Cultural Background
Adnan0315's Life Style
About Adnan0315 and His Family
Salam My name is Muhammad Adnan from Karachi Allhamdolillah I am a Muslim I have done Master in Economics My cast Yousuf zai Urdu Speaking and I am Looking for a Deendar and Educated Women I have a around 7 months sweet daughter Allhamdolillah I am a Government Teacher my posting in Korangi 100 qtrs Karachi I have 1pilot in Ghulshan E Sayyadan Nadran bypass Right now I am living in Model Colony in Malir I am living alone with my sweet daughter. father passed away Mother alive 2 brother one is inn Dubai I don''''t have any sister if you wanna ask me any questions you can ask me without any hesitation I would like to inform you one more thing I don''''t need Jehaiz and any I don''''t want any Demand only I am looking for Deendar and Educated woman.