Aamirsiddiqui Shaadi Proposal

Gulistan-eJauhar Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
Aoa, My name is Aamir Siddiqui I am 30 years of age working in a Software Company as the Digital Marketing Executive.
About Aamirsiddiqui and His Life Partner
My name is Aamir Siddiqui I am 30 years of age working in a Software Company as the Digital Marketing Executive. I am a good looking, handsome and creative person with many ambitions in life and want to fulfill all my ambitions with my abilities and confidence in myself. I am a practical minded person and by nature i am a very lovely and open-heated person i have a very much friendly nature and i enjoy my life very much.I need a kind of girl who has some kind of charm and she should be very witty and smart lady. she has a very good and friendly nature and she can be a best friend of her husband in any consequences. She must have good education, belongs to a good family and must have a very good upbringing with all family traditions and etiquette and can mix-up with my family and elders. i will try my level best to make herself happy and fulfill all her earnest desires in her life!
Aamirsiddiqui's Personal and Physical Details
Aamirsiddiqui's Hobbies / Interests
Aamirsiddiqui's Education and Career
Aamirsiddiqui's Family
Aamirsiddiqui's Religious & Social Background
Aamirsiddiqui's Cultural Background
Aamirsiddiqui's Life Style
About Aamirsiddiqui and His Family
we are moderate family and we do not interfere much in each other\'s affairs. we have got indian traditions and we are rich in our indian traditions like our marriages are very much traditional marriages and we do enjoy all kinds of events in it. we as a family are much bound to each other and love each other a lot. we are not much kind of conservative and strictly religious and very much friendly and peaceful family.