Xiber Shaadi Proposal

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Sex: Male - Man,  Age: 55 Years Star: Aquarius,  Residency: Citizen

LA Los Angeles, California, USA matrimonials

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About Xiber and His Life Partner

Your Outer Personality number - also called Personality number, is derived from the consonants of your full name. Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your true nature. It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people at the outset of a relationship. With time and trust, you invite others into the deeper aspects of your nature; you reveal more of who you really are, in effect, your Heart's Desire, Expression, and so on.

Xiber's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionWheatish Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenYes Hair LengthShort Height182 cm / 6'0" Facial HairSecret 
DisabilitiesNone Weight88 Kg / 196 Lbs / 14 St Blood GroupSecret BuildMuscular HIVNo Eye ColorBrown Glasses / ContactsNone   

Xiber's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Technology Hobbies Graphology Music Jazz Reads Magazines & Newspapers Movies Action / Adventure Sports Weight Training Cuisine Pakistani Dress Style Business Casual - semi formal office wear

Xiber's Education and Career

EducationMasters ProfessionTelecommunication
EmploymentEmployed IncomeSecret

Xiber's Family

Father StatusSecret Total SistersSecret Mother StatusSecret
Sister MarriedSecret Total BrothersSecret Brothers MarriedSecret

Xiber's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastNo Cast ResidenceParents Sub Cast 
SocializeQuite Often Mother TongueUrdu Family ValuesModerate

Xiber's Cultural Background

Birth CountryPakistan Grewup inPakistan Personal ValuesModerate LanguagesOther

Xiber's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

About Xiber and His Family

Your Personality number often serves as a censoring device, both in terms of what you send out, as well as what you allow to approach. It discriminates in the kinds of people and information you let enter your heart and mind. For this reason, your Personality is usually much more narrow and protective in its definition than the real you. It can screen out some of what you do not want to deal with - people or situations - but it also welcomes those things that immediately relate to your inner nature.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this narrow entrance is the first impression people get of you. It either welcomes and intrigues them, or it causes them to lose interest.

Your Personality number indicates how others perceive you. This is no easy task. No one can be objective about himself or herself. Even our closest friends and relatives have trouble describing how they see us. Numerology gives us a general understanding of the image we are projecting. That image is called the Personality number.

Xiber Looking Bride for Shadi

Marital StatusSingle Aged22 to 32 years OriginAsian ChildrenNone ReligionMuslim / Islam
BuildSlim/Petite SmokerNone CountryPakistan DisabilitiesDont Mind Within DistanceAny Miles

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