Wasif165 Shaadi Proposal

Gulbarg Town Azizabad, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
my name is muhammad wasif, leaving in liaqutabda, karachi, i am 30 years old, naver married,
About Wasif165 and His Life Partner
i am muhammad wasif, nick name wasif165, i am honest , caring , truly and glad, iam muture person and i speck truly , i want to be any body speck true.
I want true, faithful lady.
Wasif165's Personal and Physical Details
Wasif165's Hobbies / Interests
Wasif165's Education and Career
Wasif165's Family
Wasif165's Religious & Social Background
Wasif165's Cultural Background
Wasif165's Life Style
About Wasif165 and His Family
my family member 10, my father is daith, my mother is big of family, leave a joint , home, sunni muslim and speck true and faithful,
my mother seeking a girl to marrage
younge brother.