Vicky572 Shaadi Proposal

Khewra Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
I m Malik Waqar Hussain and from Pakistan, currently living in my country.
About Vicky572 and His Life Partner
Basically i m a liberal type person i believe in that life come one time and every person has rights to enjoy his life by his own will and wishes.
I m working i a private company and my income is not much more but always try to keep smile on my face and i m also famous a smiley facial person in my area.
About my life partner if i open then that i don''t want to marry in Pakistan as i left my all family so don''t want to keep any relation with them in future so that''s why if a foreign life partner is interested in my profile then i will say welcome him in my life.No concern with her religion or her life style any type of life partner will be welcome.
Vicky572's Personal and Physical Details
Vicky572's Hobbies / Interests
Vicky572's Education and Career
Vicky572's Family
Vicky572's Religious & Social Background
Vicky572's Cultural Background
Vicky572's Life Style
About Vicky572 and His Family
I have left my family and living alone and have no concern and never interfere in family matters i have 4-sisters they have got married, 3-brothers (1-married).
Now its my concern that how i spend my life with my own will and wishes.