Syedarizvi110 Shaadi Proposal

Gulshan Oqbal Town Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
This is mrs rizvi: we belong to syed shia family ive in karachi: urdu speaking. My daughter is graduated i want her to get marry this year insha allah she is ve
About Syedarizvi110 and Her Life Partner
Salamz this is wajeeha rizvi mother of a requested bride. We belong to syed shia family. My daughter has completed her graduation 2 years ago now she is working in bank alhabib as a phone banker. Her age is 24 years but she looks very young and innocent. W have no requirements but wants in our community below mention are the requirements
syed shia
aged under 34
minimum graduated
urdu speaking
resident of karachi
a bit religious and pious
the above mention contact number is my own and below mention number is of my daughter she can pick call after 6pm as on job she is not allowed to use mobile
Syedarizvi110's Personal and Physical Details
Syedarizvi110's Hobbies / Interests
Syedarizvi110's Education and Career
Syedarizvi110's Family
Syedarizvi110's Religious & Social Background
Syedarizvi110's Cultural Background
Syedarizvi110's Life Style
About Syedarizvi110 and Her Family
My elder son is married and has a boy kid. Including his family we are 8 members only: my husband is unemplyed but he works personally and we beong to normal famly neither very much rish nor poor. Alhumdullila by the grace of allah we have all the luxuaries of live