Sunnykhan_9 Shaadi Proposal

Peshawar Arit Kanial, Islamabad, Pakistan matrimonials
my name is sunny khan i am pakistani i born in pakistan i am single i am in sarch find good and respective girl which respect other people is she is pakistani a
About Sunnykhan_9 and His Life Partner
Sunnykhan_9's Personal and Physical Details
Sunnykhan_9's Hobbies / Interests
Sunnykhan_9's Education and Career
Sunnykhan_9's Family
Sunnykhan_9's Religious & Social Background
Sunnykhan_9's Cultural Background
Sunnykhan_9's Life Style
About Sunnykhan_9 and His Family
my family is respectibal and traditional familyThe family has basic functions. In order for the family to meet a child's psychological needs, its members must be nurturing, convey mutual respect, provide for intimacy, and engage in bonding and attachment. The family also socializes the child, guiding the child to be members of the society beyond the family. The family conveys religious and cultural beliefs and traditions to the next generation. The family is the child's source of economic resources, which meet the child's various physical needs for food, shelter, and clothing. Then, too, the family sees to it that the child receives health and dental care.
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