Solo001 Shaadi Proposal

Please Ask Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa matrimonials
Take 1 : I'm Asian, as in Indian Asian, cause there's a variety of , Asian's , lol anyways moving on, i'm seeking to settle down, as in like seeking a spouse l
About Solo001 and His Life Partner
you see in Islam, our , mines and yours , CREATOR says, 'They are your garments and you are their garments.' Surah Baqarah, verse 187
meaning husband and wife and to elaborate further :
1. Clothes are close to you, behind your clothes is your bare skin. A spouse is close to you in that manner, emotionally and physically.
2. Clothes protect your skin from the outside. A husband is the maintainer of his wife and the wife protects her husband’s home and property.
3. Clothes beautify you. A husband and wife compliment each other, in this life and the next.
4. Clothes are comfortable. When one is around their spouse, they feel at ease and their hearts are at rest. One can relax around their spouse and find comfort in them and their words when they are in difficulty.
5. Clothes hide and screen you. A husband and wife should not discuss each other’s faults to the outside or complain to others about their spouse.
Take 2 : ok so now you kinda know more or less where i'm coming from, a cherry on top would be a person whom family orientations isn't taboo lol also the idea of starting a family isn't that crazy as well lol
Take 3 : finishing off,..., please understand me, there's nothing wrong in being modern and advanced, but I think its comes together with ethical and moral values u know
thnxs in advance for taking time to read my profile.