Solar_bussinesman Shaadi Proposal

Cantt Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
My brother is 27 years old and he is software engineer but now he is doing his own business of solar and electronics. He is very caring and loving and Allah fea
About Solar_bussinesman and His Life Partner
My brother is 27 years old and he is software engineer but now he is doing his own business of solar and electronics. He is very caring and loving and Allah fearer.
Solar_bussinesman's Personal and Physical Details
Solar_bussinesman's Hobbies / Interests
Solar_bussinesman's Education and Career
Solar_bussinesman's Family
Solar_bussinesman's Religious & Social Background
Solar_bussinesman's Cultural Background
Solar_bussinesman's Life Style
About Solar_bussinesman and His Family
My brother is 27 years old and he is software engineer but now he is doing his own business of solar and electronics. He is very caring and loving and Allah fearer.
1 sister is married and 2 are engaged and we want to marry our brothers with in 6 months. If any one is interested then contact me freely as a sister I don't mind.