Smeer Shaadi Proposal

Lahore And Vehari Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
AOA I am muslim prayers only For ALLAH sub-Tala i need a second marriage because my first wife is a typical non social women she satisfaction our life style
About Smeer and His Life Partner
I am a business man
There\'s an old hardware store near my house that I simply adore. You can find just about anything you need there.
It looks as if the store were set up right in someone\'s house. You walk in through a small door and enter into a magical land of hardware merchandise.
Crammed into this small space are several narrow aisles of hardware items. Standing behind a tiny front counter the owner of the store takes pride in helping each customer find what he or she is looking for. He takes a personal interest in what customers are doing. You get the feeling he considers this store to be his one true calling in life.
Smeer's Personal and Physical Details
Smeer's Hobbies / Interests
Smeer's Education and Career
Smeer's Family
Smeer's Religious & Social Background
Smeer's Cultural Background
Smeer's Life Style
About Smeer and His Family
Straight forward person