Shaikh311 Shaadi Proposal

Assalam alaikum.i am an indian citizen.i am a commonman.i am healthy and strong.i live a common life in indian. i do a general or an ordinary business.
About Shaikh311 and His Life Partner
Assalam alaikum.i am an indian citizen.i am a commonman.i am healthy and strong.i live a common life in indian.
i do a general or an ordinary business.i try to pray namaj as far as possible.i always insist to follow the rules and regulations
made by the god.i enjoy helping others.many people live for them se lves only.i wont to live to be wseful to others.i am interested
to live my life always honestly and wish to pass rest of the time in prayng the god.i will think or consider myself very lucky if an
ordinary man like me can be any use or helpfal to you.i be lieve in speaking the truth.i always co-operate the truth.i always prefer to
live wish freedom.i like freedom.i never look behind until.i finish or complete the work which i start.i am sat is fied after completing
the work only.i always try to finish or complete the work which i expected.i am interested to do the work which is told to me.
i never go back in what i once told to do.i am interested to be happy in keeping others happy.i am pleased after pleasing others.
Shaikh311's Personal and Physical Details
Shaikh311's Hobbies / Interests
Shaikh311's Education and Career
Shaikh311's Family
Shaikh311's Religious & Social Background
Shaikh311's Cultural Background
Shaikh311's Life Style
About Shaikh311 and His Family
Assalam alaikum.i am an indian citizen.i am a commonman.i am healthy and strong.i live a common life in indian.
i do a general or an ordinary business.i try to pray namaj as far as possible.i always insist to follow the rules and regulations
made by the god.i enjoy helping others.many people live for them se lves only.i wont to live to be wseful to others.i am interested
to live my life always honestly and wish to pass rest of the time in prayng the god.i will think or consider myself very lucky if an
ordinary man like me can be any use or helpfal to you.i be lieve in speaking the truth.i always co-operate the truth.i always prefer to
live wish freedom.i like freedom.i never look behind until.i finish or complete the work which i start.i am sat is fied after completing
the work only.i always try to finish or complete the work which i expected.i am interested to do the work which is told to me.
i never go back in what i once told to do.i am interested to be happy in keeping others happy.i am pleased after pleasing others.