Shabihasan Shaadi Proposal

Block 16 FB Area Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
For me life is a responsibility towards God and People with whom we interact. I just came back to Pak from KSA spending there around 4 years. I am married 1.5
About Shabihasan and His Life Partner
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About Shabihasan and His Family
Understanding the true sprit of Islam by continously engaged myself in seeking Knowlege through varous books written by different Ayaat ullah and was tranlated to our native language. Frequently reading quran translation and linking the what ever read in books to Al Quran.
Quest for AILIM is most satisfactory thing in my life. Performing all wajibat and trying to avoid Gunaha Kabira (big Sins). Interested topics in reading books are Aalim Bazaq and Knowledge abt big sins. Also intrested in going Nahi Anil Munkir but able to practice effectively.
Try to avoid listening to music and looking at na-mahram as more as I could.