Sarahaje60 Shaadi Proposal

Chantilly Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA matrimonials
i need real and marriage and truth love to get marry with me because am a new in dating site..
About Sarahaje60 and His Life Partner
would like to meet someone who is a strong personality, kind, honest, smart, positive thinking, with a good sense of humor. Who is always even-tempered who will be ready to spend time outdoors. As a reasonable person with very good reputation I am very easy to deal with and like to be in the center of I am dreaming about a romantic, loving and caring man, who is ready to share his life with me,in all ups and downs and support me in difficult moments and willing confident, responsible, honest, loyal, sensitive person with a good sense of humour.a man who will influenced my passion to experience of living in such sharp contrast to my life has given me ability to adapt to a different religion and culture which every one who is ready to learn at all time most posses.
Sarahaje60's Personal and Physical Details
Sarahaje60's Hobbies / Interests
Sarahaje60's Education and Career
Sarahaje60's Family
Sarahaje60's Religious & Social Background
Sarahaje60's Cultural Background
Sarahaje60's Life Style
About Sarahaje60 and His Family
I am grieving.Every morning I wake up to the knowledge that my husband is not beside me.All through the day I work from home, alone, on the creations from the Memory Quilts business I have started, and my time awake would be silent if not for the radio or television I switch back and forth from.And every night I walk slowly back to a bed that is just for me alone. No more whispers in the dark.No more being tucked safely under his arm or my fingers reaching for his hand as we drift off to sleep side by side. Only the knowledge that it will be the same tomorrow, and the next day, keeps me company, that and my two little dogs who cannot for the life of them understand why I roll over each night,still,after 6 months,to shake with silent sobs on a pillow that is never used.