Raziq Shaadi Proposal

raziq picture
Sex: Male - Man,  Age: 41 Years Star: Pisces,  Residency: Citizen

Turlindi Swabi, NWFP, Pakistan matrimonials

i am raziq ali from swabi.i am looking for hunest good and lovely patner to join me.so thes is my iocn.uajh ckdk znxchdhhy hdkas jjkj hjjhn dks uwww jkuddw mjdu

About Raziq and His Life Partner

i am looking for good oansdjkasduie cnsjcuei djd mbn flgui dfjfh jkli dfkllui dmfdjry dsfhweur goi nvkiri gffjru fekfnv kj fj fjr dfwf sdgfrgt sdfgwt ki sdvmjb djf wefjc sdfjweiur dfur dbnh vouiwer qwpivnksjf weiruit sfhfeuiow cf ekfweioru sdkfqwiru dwhfdn fsd dfer y j hfgh gfrh rh rth trhdfg gryju trryudgjuk yhty ty tyu yu tryu t5u tr4y rtgu trdf u th tru ghtyu htrh t trh ergv h j kik t u i yuuki uk uk yuk k tuj yu kity j i l hj lhj yil yuk uikuik yu k tn j tj ujk jyukyuk hnyu 7 t t ki yi tyu yui j tj y7i ty j tyi,tyj tyu yu i tyu 68 i tyu

Raziq's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionMedium Wheatish Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenMaybe Hair LengthShort Height175 cm / 5'9" Facial HairStubble 
DisabilitiesNone Weight63 Kg / 140 Lbs / 10 St Blood GroupB+ BuildSecret HIVNo Eye ColorBlack Glasses / ContactsNone   

Raziq's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Sports - Indoor Hobbies Home / Interior Decoration Music Pop Reads Magazines & Newspapers Movies Action / Adventure Sports Cricket Cuisine Pakistani Dress Style Classic Pakistani - typically Pakistani formal wear

Raziq's Education and Career

EducationUniversity Professionpol
EmploymentEmployed IncomeModerate

Raziq's Family

Father StatusSelf Employed Total Sisters4 Mother StatusHousewife
Sister Married3 Total Brothers5 Brothers Married3

Raziq's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastMuslim : Sunni ResidenceParents Sub Cast 
SocializeNot At All Mother TonguePashto Family ValuesModerate

Raziq's Cultural Background

Birth CountryPakistan Grewup inPakistan Personal ValuesTraditional LanguagesUrdu

Raziq's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

About Raziq and His Family

my fimliy is very simpaljckl jkvj k iop jij kio sdv efr e f vfsd h try sdfg tyh sd g y wefr jdf j df gj ty jfg jtyj u jk b dh tyjrb dfg wtthrh htru trh y jgf tyj gf h yjg htr h tyj yu kyu k jjyujtyj67u7i9oynrgf h g hgf h ryh trh trh ty tyj ty j j uj j tun rt h yj tr h tyj ty jty j trh y uyu tr tr hj tyhj ty jty j yj ty j uj ty jty j tyj ty j tyj j ty j ty jty j tyj ty j tyj tyj tyj ty jyu ku j tr htyj ty j tuj yuj yuj yukgh j ty jjk yuk7ik tyj j k yuj k yj yk yu j yu k ty tr ty jtyj y jy6 j,tynmk klkl knmjk j jk j jk hj jk j j jk j jk j j j j j j k k j h j hjk jhjk hj j j j jk jk

Raziq Looking Bride for Shadi

Marital StatusSingle Aged18 to 26 years OriginAsian ChildrenNone ReligionMuslim / Islam
BuildAverage SmokerNone CountryAny DisabilitiesNo Within DistanceAny Miles

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