Rafique Shaadi Proposal
Hyderabad Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
i am a married wife & 3 child with me i am a very bad lucky man so iam a very hard work but not succes full
About Rafique and His Life Partner
my life start is 1984 & star simple clerk job & 21 year job my job is finis is 2003 & start new business but not succses full & heavy losses my friend is very clever but iam not carefull & my property & many thinks sale i am very tens , i am very sex full but my wife is very cool
Rafique's Personal and Physical Details
Rafique's Hobbies / Interests
Rafique's Education and Career
Rafique's Family
Rafique's Religious & Social Background
Rafique's Cultural Background
Rafique's Life Style
About Rafique and His Family
i & my wife & 3 child . 2 sons & 1 doughter
mr son 16 years old doughter 13 yers & son 8 year old my wife is a teacher , my child is student but i not expenses & other expenses offord i am a free but i hard worker but my luck is bad , financialy not stong ,i want to financely sopport & & i want lot of many because me & wife with child stay relex life.