Needlifepartner Shaadi Proposal

Lahore Division Okara, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
This is Humaira.I m very 27 years old.I am very simple,loving and very religious girl.
About Needlifepartner and Her Life Partner
Aslam o alaikum
This is Humaira.I m 27 years old.I m very loving,caring and religious minded.I offer five times prayers.My parents have been died few months back.My all siblings get married.I feel my self alone.I need a loving caring and honest life partner with whome i can share my smile and tears who can be my friend and can spend his whole life with me.I want to get married as soon as possible.
Please do not fun only serious person can contact!
Needlifepartner's Personal and Physical Details
Needlifepartner's Hobbies / Interests
Needlifepartner's Education and Career
Needlifepartner's Family
Needlifepartner's Religious & Social Background
Needlifepartner's Cultural Background
Needlifepartner's Life Style
About Needlifepartner and Her Family
Last year my father get died and few months back my mother get died.I have 4 brothers and 5 sisters.All brothers and sisters are happily married.we are simple and middleclass family.