Mrsohail Shaadi Proposal

Gulshan Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
I am a mature, educated and decent person. I am married, with 2 sons, what I lack is emotional satisfaction. I am looking for a lady who may afford a relationsh
About Mrsohail and His Life Partner
I am a mature, educated and decent person. I am married, with 2 sons, what I lack is emotional satisfaction. I am looking for a lady who may afford a relationship with me without bonding of marriage. I may give her financial support on monthly basis.
my wife prefers to suicide but dont allow me for second marriage. There will be many people who would consider my demand immoral and non-religious, but unfortunately, I have no other option seek a partner with whom we both may have romantic fulfillment with trust and honesty.
Mrsohail's Personal and Physical Details
Mrsohail's Hobbies / Interests
Mrsohail's Education and Career
Mrsohail's Family
Mrsohail's Religious & Social Background
Mrsohail's Cultural Background
Mrsohail's Life Style
About Mrsohail and His Family
we are an ordinary pakistani family. God has blessed me with almost everything in life, except the marital life physical satisfaction. I am therefore looking for a partner who may understand my compulsion and we may enjoy each others company. you will find me loving caring and trustworthy.