Laiqali Shaadi Proposal

Lahore Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
I am simple person, and want to passing my remaining life very simple between in my parents and my wife... have many words but i will not write there...thanks
About Laiqali and His Life Partner
My name is Syed Laiq Ahmad, I have done and continue B.COM Final year, I am job holder in private software company in department Administration,,,,,
28th year old .... what i read my self ....
Laiqali's Personal and Physical Details
Laiqali's Hobbies / Interests
Laiqali's Education and Career
Laiqali's Family
Laiqali's Religious & Social Background
Laiqali's Cultural Background
Laiqali's Life Style
About Laiqali and His Family
We are 3 brothers and 3 sisters 1 brother is married and we two brother are unmarried.
my 3 sisters are married.
i live with my parents...and 1 brother
married brother live with his family seprate.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhh
this is my sweet family.............. ..........
want to live my all life with them....