Khowab Shaadi Proposal

Shikh Shikarpur, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
my name is faheem and iam doing the degree of MSIT from sau and my father and mother not alive i am alone and like peace and i am hard worker therefore still st
About Khowab and His Life Partner
now a days people has made the bed style of chooseing the life partner where the mal has dominancy to choose the woman which is ocword felt or seen my wish is a life partner not a articial doll wecan make the sence to understand both feelings and haBITS yet my reaserch work is continue with my training of network administrator i am in 18years education will became network engineer i need the family or any person who support me i am living yet in hostel
Khowab's Personal and Physical Details
Khowab's Hobbies / Interests
Khowab's Education and Career
Khowab's Family
Khowab's Religious & Social Background
Khowab's Cultural Background
Khowab's Life Style
About Khowab and His Family
father was head master in high school and died in 2008 mother died dated 21/08/2013 two brothers they are married one is in karachi nother is in dubai 2sisters are married i am alone and supporting my self