Khalid599 Shaadi Proposal

Karachi Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
My name is khalid kahn. From : Karachi-Pkistan, Looking a true, sincere, life partner.
About Khalid599 and His Life Partner
Hi! I am Blessing! how are you! hope you are fine. Am very honest,sincere,lovin g,hard working and ready to face every challenges of life. I can create a strong and very happy family. I will give her all my love. I know that somewhere in this world there is a she who need me and whom I need and I know that one day I will find her. Hope to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your mail. My mailbox is My hobbies are watching TV:BBC ,CNN,NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Reading Newspapers and Good Books. Enjoy the nature. Traveling.
Khalid599's Personal and Physical Details
Khalid599's Hobbies / Interests
Khalid599's Education and Career
Khalid599's Family
Khalid599's Religious & Social Background
Khalid599's Cultural Background
Khalid599's Life Style
About Khalid599 and His Family
desired partner Looking a true life partner. She should be honest,hardworking,u nderstandable,humble ,polite. The distance,age,languag e does not matter but true love matter a lot in life.