Karmodevi Shaadi Proposal

Indri Karnal, Haryana, India matrimonials
24 year old young girl , homely,+2 pass with art subject in hindi. also know english,single never married, living with parents,
About Karmodevi and Her Life Partner
24 year old young girl , homely,+2 pass with art subject in hindi. also know english,single never married, living with parents, basically from haryana , distt. karnal,Brother well settled with own work at ludhiana punjab. Looking for a self employed or business person , with good family values , financially sound, loving, caring, innocent, from Jheewar subcast, from panipat to ludhianaor any where in between,.with in age of 24-33 never married ( widower may be consider for the nice and genue case)
Karmodevi's Personal and Physical Details
Karmodevi's Hobbies / Interests
Karmodevi's Education and Career
Karmodevi's Family
Karmodevi's Religious & Social Background
Karmodevi's Cultural Background
Karmodevi's Life Style
About Karmodevi and Her Family
24 year old young girl , homely,+2 pass with art subject in hindi. also know english,single never married, living with parents, basically from haryana , distt. karnal,Brother well settled with own work at ludhiana punjab. Looking for a self employed or business person , with good family values , financially sound, loving, caring, innocent, from Jheewar subcast, from panipat to ludhianaor any where in between,.with in age of 24-33 never married ( widower may be consider for the nice and genue case)