Karamillahi Shaadi Proposal

Village Haji Sultan Faqir Faiz Muhammad Bilal, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials
Oooooooh thats difficult! but I shall give it a try. Lets see... if that means \\\\\\\'self praising\\\\\\\' .
About Karamillahi and His Life Partner
I m kinda a lil talkative, loving, caring , a people that attracts me i make up to talk to them , gotta kewl sense of humor ... making them go nutz at my lame jokez...sincere with friends .... secret keeper .... and when i do something i expect the same .....n I Am a pErsOn wiTh a hApPy gO LucKy NatUre.But caN bE ruDe aT TimEz.CAnt coNtrOl mY hUmoUr aT all.LIke giving judgement on people.But on the whole not a bad person.Cant liVe without ma friends ... but sumtimez luv to be alone ..
Karamillahi's Personal and Physical Details
Karamillahi's Hobbies / Interests
Karamillahi's Education and Career
Karamillahi's Family
Karamillahi's Religious & Social Background
Karamillahi's Cultural Background
Karamillahi's Life Style
About Karamillahi and His Family
very kind respecting everyone