Joneslizzy2567 Shaadi Proposal

Kroger Adaburg, Kentucky, USA matrimonials
I am looking for a man who is not afraid to Love. I am looking for a man with heart. I am looking for a man with a heart of worship; a heart of love; and a desi
About Joneslizzy2567 and Her Life Partner
Joneslizzy2567's Personal and Physical Details
Joneslizzy2567's Hobbies / Interests
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Joneslizzy2567's Family
Joneslizzy2567's Religious & Social Background
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Joneslizzy2567's Life Style
About Joneslizzy2567 and Her Family
well I would describe myself as a down to earth, happy, kind hear-ted, positive person.... one who is perfectly content at home...bare feet, jeans and a tank top. Prefer classic timeless elegance, which never goes out of style versus trends or fads. The SIMPLE pleasures in life make me smile....You will NOT hear me bragging about where I have been or what I have accomplished....simp ly put.... that is NOT who I am.......there is an effortless beauty in being humble. I am truly happy in my own skin. I do not run on the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"fast \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" track laid down by others, instead I run on \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"my\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\" track. Living life in my own natural element, I have found is the surest way to know the inner prosperity of health, peace, and joy