Jhelumi Shaadi Proposal

jhelumi picture
Sex: Male - Man,  Age: 55 Years Star: Aquarius,  Residency: Citizen

Birmingham Birmingham, Birmingham, UK matrimonials

I am happy go lucky guy.I hate people who always complain.I love to travel.which is my passion.I have travelled all around the world except latin america/

Jhelumi's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionFair Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorMulti Want ChildrenMaybe Hair LengthShort Height180 cm / 5'11" Facial HairClean Shaven 
DisabilitiesNone Weight73 Kg / 161 Lbs / 11.5 St Blood GroupO+ BuildAthletic HIVNo Eye ColorBrown Glasses / ContactsNone   

Jhelumi's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Sports - Indoor Hobbies Singing Music Qawalis Reads Thriller / Suspense Movies Comedy Sports Squash Cuisine Punjabi Dress Style Casual - usually in jeans and T-shirts

Jhelumi's Education and Career

EducationUniversity Professionmanager
EmploymentEmployed IncomeModerate

Jhelumi's Family

Father StatusRetired Total Sisters0 Mother StatusRetired
Sister Married0 Total Brothers1 Brothers Married1

Jhelumi's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastNo Cast ResidenceRoommate Sub Cast 
SocializeQuite Often Mother TonguePunjabi Family ValuesLibral

Jhelumi's Cultural Background

Birth CountryUK Grewup inPakistan Personal ValuesLibral LanguagesPunjabi

Jhelumi's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

Jhelumi Looking Bride for Shadi

Marital StatusAny Aged29 to 35 years OriginAsian ChildrenDont Mind ReligionAny
BuildAthletic SmokerDont Mind CountryAny DisabilitiesNo Within DistanceAny Miles

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