Hm_alvi Shaadi Proposal

hm_alvi picture
Sex: Male - Man,  Age: 39 Years Star: Leo,  Residency: Citizen

Township Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials

Hi, my name is hamid, anyone can want to talk, she can talk with me.

About Hm_alvi and His Life Partner

YOU ARE THOUSAND MILE AWAY FROM ME NEITHER CAN I TOUCH , NOR CAN I SEE . BUT I DON\\\\\\\'T MISS YOU , DO U KNOW WHY .? BECAUSE I CAN SE YOU WITH MY HEART EYES WHEN I CLOSE MY EYES , I CAN FEEL U WHAT CANNOT FULFILL MY DREAMS IS ALWAYS YOU . YOU ARE THERE WITH ME FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT AND WHEN I OPEN MY EYES I FIND U BY MY SIDE . Y ON . WHENEVER I WEEP You are thousand mile away from me neither can I touch nor can I see. But I don\'t miss you, do you know why? Because I can see you with my heart eyes when I close my eyes, I can feel u what cannot fulfill my dreams is always you. You are there with me for the whole night and when I open my eyes I find u by my side. Whenever I weep, your hands wipe away my tears whenever I feel insecure its your lap in which I lay that\'s where I wish to live forever and even die you often whispers in my ears though we are very far, yet feel very near. I don\'t know whether its love or not but it is some emotions from the depth of my heart.

Hm_alvi's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionMedium Wheatish Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenMaybe Hair LengthShort Height167 cm / 5'6" Facial HairStubble 
DisabilitiesNone Weight69 Kg / 154 Lbs / 11 St Blood GroupA+ BuildAverage HIVNo Eye ColorBrown Glasses / ContactsGlasses   

Hm_alvi's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Bikes / Cars Hobbies Collecting Antinues Music Soft Rock Reads Not much Reader Movies Romance Sports Not a sportsperson Cuisine Lahori Dress Style Casual - usually in jeans and T-shirts

Hm_alvi's Education and Career

EducationMasters Professionbanking
EmploymentEmployed IncomeModerate

Hm_alvi's Family

Father StatusBusiness Total Sisters0 Mother StatusWorking Women
Sister Married0 Total Brothers0 Brothers Married0

Hm_alvi's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastMuslim : Sunni ResidenceParents Sub Cast 
SocializeNot At All Mother TongueUrdu Family ValuesModerate

Hm_alvi's Cultural Background

Birth CountryPakistan Grewup inPakistan Personal ValuesModerate LanguagesUrdu

Hm_alvi's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

About Hm_alvi and His Family

You are thousand mile away from me neither can I touch nor can I see. But I don\'t miss you, do you know why? Because I can see you with my heart eyes when I close my eyes, I can feel u what cannot fulfill my dreams is always you. You are there with me for the whole night and when I open my eyes I find u by my side. Whenever I weep, your hands wipe away my tears whenever I feel insecure its your lap in which I lay that\'s where I wish to live forever and even die you often whispers in my ears though we are very far, yet feel very near. I don\'t know whether its love or not but it is some emotions from the depth of my heart.

Hm_alvi Looking Bride for Shadi

Marital StatusSingle Aged18 to 22 years OriginAny ChildrenNone ReligionMuslim / Islam
BuildSlim/Petite SmokerNone CountryPakistan DisabilitiesNo Within DistanceAny Miles

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