Hassan24 Shaadi Proposal

hassan24 picture
Sex: Male - Man,  Age: 45 Years Star: Taurus,  Residency: Citizen

Kingsbury Road Wembley, Brent, UK matrimonials

LOVE is like wind you cant see it but you can feel it

About Hassan24 and His Life Partner

every relation is based on friendship and friendship based on love trust and understanding so i want my life partner should be my best friend, a person i can spend my whole life and love to stay every moment with her she can share my love and tears a person who can understand the ups and downs of life and always stand by my side.

Hassan24's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionMedium Wheatish Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenYes Hair LengthShort Height175 cm / 5'9" Facial HairBeard 
DisabilitiesNone Weight73 Kg / 161 Lbs / 11.5 St Blood GroupSecret BuildAverage HIVNo Eye ColorBlack Glasses / ContactsGlasses   

Hassan24's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Bikes / Cars, Listening to Music, Motor Sport / Racing, Movies, Sports - Indoor, Sports - Outdoor, Travel / Sightseeing Hobbies Gardening / Landscaping, Home / Interior Decoration Music Classical - Hindustani, Classical - Pakistani, Ghazels, Jazz, Qawalis, R&B Soul, Sufi Music, Techno / Trance Reads Business / Occupational, History, Philosophy / Spiritual, Poetry, Romance, Thriller / Suspense Movies Action / Adventure, Cartoons, Documentary, Horror, Romance, Suspense / Thriller Sports Billards / Snooker / Pool, Bowling, Cricket, Football / Soccer, Tennis Cuisine Continental, Fast Food, Pakistani Dress Style Business Casual - semi formal office wear, Casual - usually in jeans and T-shirts, Classic Pakistani - typically Pakistani formal wear, Designer - only leading brands

Hassan24's Education and Career

EducationMasters Professionteam leader
EmploymentEmployed IncomeModerate

Hassan24's Family

Father StatusSecret Total Sisters2 Mother StatusHousewife
Sister Married1 Total Brothers1 Brothers Married1

Hassan24's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastMuslim : Sunni ResidenceAlone Sub Cast 
SocializeQuite Often Mother TongueUrdu Family ValuesModerate

Hassan24's Cultural Background

Birth CountryPakistan Grewup inPakistan Personal ValuesModerate LanguagesEnglish, Urdu

Hassan24's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

About Hassan24 and His Family

love for all

Hassan24 Looking Bride for Shadi

Marital StatusSingle Aged24 to 28 years OriginAsian ChildrenDont Mind ReligionMuslim / Islam
BuildAverage SmokerNone CountryAny DisabilitiesNo Within DistanceAny Miles

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