Gulsher_mirza Shaadi Proposal

Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada matrimonials
Realistic, practical, sober and very much honest individual seeks charming female. I was born on 11th Nov. 1974. African ladies please stay AWAY.
About Gulsher_mirza and His Life Partner
Moderate, rather liberal and very realistic individual who does not entertain hypocrisy, lying, disloyality and constitutes a balanced approach toward life, family (parents and siblings), friends and the world. I hold canadian citizenship besides Master Degree in Computers. I earn well, manage well and esure practicality in whatever I do. I have never been married.
My desire is to find a suitable (comaptbile with age, looks and background) Pakistani fair female with Medical Background belonging to Sunni, Pujabi family settled either in Islamabad or in UAE.
My habits includes keeping myself abrest with Current Affairs, Sports, health and diet conscious. Love doing BBQs.
Gulsher_mirza's Personal and Physical Details
Gulsher_mirza's Hobbies / Interests
Gulsher_mirza's Education and Career
Gulsher_mirza's Family
Gulsher_mirza's Religious & Social Background
Gulsher_mirza's Cultural Background
Gulsher_mirza's Life Style
About Gulsher_mirza and His Family
My elder brother G. Mirza is responsible for all the matrimonial related correspondences. We are (3) brother scattered in 3 different locations,, Canada, U.K. and UAE. Mother is living with my sisters in Islamabad (F-10-2)