Faizan_star786 Shaadi Proposal

Lahore Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
i am looking 4 traditional Religious minded pakistani girl, who should beautiful both from the inside & out side,and who wishes to adopt a life of islamic value
About Faizan_star786 and His Life Partner
i am looking 4 traditional Religious minded pakistani girl, who should beautiful both from the inside & out side,and who wishes to adopt a life of islamic values i was a modrate person, but now i have a big change in my life,Now I want to go the Way P.B.U.H. tells us. And i also want that the girl dose have same feelings..
Faizan_star786's Personal and Physical Details
Faizan_star786's Hobbies / Interests
Faizan_star786's Education and Career
Faizan_star786's Family
Faizan_star786's Religious & Social Background
Faizan_star786's Cultural Background
Faizan_star786's Life Style
About Faizan_star786 and His Family
i have one daughter from 1st wife...we r 4 bro. wid 1 sis. i m youngest in the home... all r married...my 2 of bro. r in canda along my mother..both of my 2 bro. r PHD from canada.... i am successfully running my own restaurant business in lahore & earning very reasonable Halal rozi.ALHAMDO-LILLAH