Excitingman35 Shaadi Proposal

Aberdeen Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK matrimonials
An honest, moderate practising muslim looking for sweet happiness in life.
About Excitingman35 and His Life Partner
About me, I am a fun loving person, love to travel, play sports. Have engineering and technical background, with degree from UK. Have been living in Europe for nearly 2 years and intend to settle here. I dont want to pretend by showing how much I follow my Deen, Islam is not just religion, its the way of life and I am a Muslim, not by chance but by choice. I have been working primarily in Energy sector. Most recently I have worked in Geneva, Switzerland and was involved in international trade negotiations. This should give you some information about my background. I am funny, creative, friendly and very soft-hearted. I play tennis in free time.
Looking for ward to hear from you
Excitingman35's Personal and Physical Details
Excitingman35's Hobbies / Interests
Excitingman35's Education and Career
Excitingman35's Family
Excitingman35's Religious & Social Background
Excitingman35's Cultural Background
Excitingman35's Life Style
About Excitingman35 and His Family
Family not living in UK