Depeeti_seena Shaadi Proposal

depeeti_seena picture
Sex: Female - Woman,  Age: 36 Years Star: Libra,  Residency: Citizen

UTER PARDESH Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India matrimonials

reading horror books, watching movies, listning songs, and every time smiling

About Depeeti_seena and Her Life Partner

Loves cooking, she is very hard working, if given a task she will finish it no matter what it takes. Loves reading, it can be anything she just starts reading. she watching television but not too much.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

Depeeti_seena's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionFair Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenYes Hair LengthShaved Height152 cm / 5' or less Facial Hair 
DisabilitiesNone Weight63 Kg / 140 Lbs / 10 St Blood GroupO+ BuildSlim / Petite HIVNo Eye ColorBlack Glasses / ContactsSecret   

Depeeti_seena's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Listening to Music, Travel / Sightseeing, Watching Television Hobbies Dancing, Home / Interior Decoration, Photography Music Acid Rock, Acid Rock / Hard Rock, Bhajans / Devotional, Bhangra Reads Comics, Fantasy Movies Cartoons, Comedy, Drama Sports Basketball, Bowling Cuisine Punjabi Dress Style Classic Indian- typically Indian formal wear, Designer - only leading brands

Depeeti_seena's Education and Career

EducationUniversity Professionpvt job
EmploymentEmployed IncomeModerate

Depeeti_seena's Family

Father StatusBusiness Total Sisters1 Mother StatusHousewife
Sister Married1 Total Brothers1 Brothers Married1

Depeeti_seena's Religious & Social Background

ReligionHindu CastHindu : Agri Hindu : Ahom ResidenceSecret Sub Castadi 
SocializeSecret Mother TongueHindi Family ValuesSecret

Depeeti_seena's Cultural Background

Birth CountryIndia Grewup inIndia Personal ValuesModerate LanguagesHindi

Depeeti_seena's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

Depeeti_seena Looking Groom for Shadi

Marital StatusSingle Aged30 to 35 years OriginAny ChildrenNone ReligionNone
BuildAverage SmokerNone CountryAny DisabilitiesNo Within DistanceAny Miles

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