Baki Shaadi Proposal

Chuk No 30 Np Ahmed Pur L Sadiqabad, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
A paragraph is a number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic. Or, a group of related sentences that develop a single point. This definitio
About Baki and His Life Partner
In essence, good manners mean you don't make others uncomfortable around you. It's not just eating quietly and neatly, it's paying attention to the person who is talking to you, not gossiping, laughing even if the joke isn't funny (as long as it is not crude). Good manners are a form of caring.
They are also a bridge between cultures and lifestyles. Knowing the protocol of the other culture is a form of good manners. Allowing others to have the spotlight is a form of good manners.
If, by good manners, you are simply referring to table manners, put your napkin in your lap, use your silverware from the outside in, tear your bread in bite size pieces before you butter it, one piece at a time, and don't gulp. Chew with your mouth shut and wait until it is empty to talk. Eat small pieces at once so you are not looking like a cow chewing cud.
It's just a matter of making sure others are not uncomfortable around you. That's really the whole thing.