Azra00 Shaadi Proposal

Attock Lab, Punjab, Pakistan matrimonials
Iam looking for a honest and kind heart man, who can give me respect and care. I belongs to apoor family and also looking for a poor and honest man. please hone
About Azra00 and Her Life Partner
I belongs to a poor family and also looking for a poor and honest man, who can give me recpect and care. he should be kind heart. I belongs to Attock, if he can adjust with a simple and poor girl then contect.Iam orphen. Iam doing teaching in school.My life is full of troubles and now my mother wants to see me happy after my shadi. so please only honest and serious people who can feel my respect can contect me. ...thank u soooo much
Azra00's Personal and Physical Details
Azra00's Hobbies / Interests
Azra00's Education and Career
Azra00's Family
Azra00's Religious & Social Background
Azra00's Cultural Background
Azra00's Life Style
About Azra00 and Her Family
I have one brother and one sister both are married. Iam living with my mother, she is heart patient . she is very upset for my shadi. My life is very painful. Now my mother is very upset that is why,I thought about my shadi. Please honest man can contect becoz Iam very simple and poor girl ,and can not afford cheating.