Alim145 Shaadi Proposal

alim145 picture
Sex: Female - Woman,  Age: 40 Years Star: Leo,  Residency: Citizen

Agboville Agboville, Region De L Agneby, Cote DIvoire matrimonials

Good day, my gentleman! Real love stories never have endings. Magic? Fate? Karma? I don\'t know what will bring us together or why we will both feel overwhe

About Alim145 and Her Life Partner

Good day, my gentleman!

Real love stories never have endings.
Magic? Fate? Karma? I don\'t know what will bring us together or why we will both feel overwhelming love. I only know that I only want to find you. I want to hold your hand every day. I want us to share the same pillow. I want us to be happy and feel complete together. We have been given a great chance, a bounty that\'s as deep as the ocean and as high as the mountains, the bounty of love. Whatever will bring us together, I am waiting for you, my dear love

Alim145's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionVery Fair Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenYes Hair LengthLong Height157 cm / 5'2" Facial Hair 
DisabilitiesNone Weight54 Kg / 119 Lbs / 8.5 St Blood GroupO+ BuildAverage HIVNo Eye ColorBrown Glasses / ContactsNone   

Alim145's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Driving, Listening to Music Hobbies Model Building, Painting / Drawing, Playing Musical Instruments Music Bhajans / Devotional, Classical - Hindustani, Classical - Pakistani, Classical - Western Reads Business / Occupational, Classic Literature, Comics, History Movies Cartoons, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Musical, Romance, Science Fiction Sports Baseball, Basketball Cuisine Arabic, Bengali, Chinese Dress Style Classic Indian- typically Indian formal wear, Classic Pakistani - typically Pakistani formal wear, Classic Western - typicall western formal wear

Alim145's Education and Career

EducationCollege Professionon employment
EmploymentUnemployed IncomeLow

Alim145's Family

Father StatusBusiness Total Sisters0 Mother StatusWorking Women
Sister Married0 Total Brothers0 Brothers Married0

Alim145's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastHindu : Besta ResidenceAlone Sub Cast 
SocializeNot At All Mother TongueKanauji Family ValuesModerate

Alim145's Cultural Background

Birth CountryCote dIvoire Grewup inCote dIvoire Personal ValuesTraditional LanguagesEnglish, French
OriginCote dIvoire   

Alim145's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

About Alim145 and Her Family

Good day, my gentleman!

Real love stories never have endings.
Magic? Fate? Karma? I don\'t know what will bring us together or why we will both feel overwhelming love. I only know that I only want to find you. I want to hold your hand every day. I want us to share the same pillow. I want us to be happy and feel complete together. We have been given a great chance, a bounty that\'s as deep as the ocean and as high as the mountains, the bounty of love. Whatever will bring us together, I am waiting for you, my dear love

Alim145 Looking Groom for Shadi

Marital StatusAny Aged30 to 99 years OriginAny ChildrenDont Mind ReligionAny
BuildAny SmokerDont Mind CountryAny DisabilitiesDont Mind Within DistanceAny Miles

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