Aliazeem Shaadi Proposal

aliazeem picture
Sex: Male - Man,  Age: 39 Years Star: Virgo,  Residency: Citizen

Gulshan Karachi, Sind, Pakistan matrimonials

Who Am I? A very good question and a very technical question. I am glad you asked me this question because its question a lot of people have been asking

About Aliazeem and His Life Partner

Hmm. Who Am I? A very good question
and a very technical question. I am glad you asked me this question because its question a lot of people
have been asking; and why? Because a
lot of people want to know the
answer to this question! And let me
be very clear and precise without
beating around the bush, as many men
would do, the plain fact of the matter is that this is a very
important question indeed and people
have a right to know!

Aliazeem's Personal and Physical Details

StatusSingle ComplextionFair Have ChildrenNo Hair ColorBlack Want ChildrenYes Hair LengthShort Height180 cm / 5'11" Facial HairBeard 
DisabilitiesNone Weight82 Kg / 182 Lbs / 13 St Blood GroupO+ BuildAverage HIVNo Eye ColorBrown Glasses / ContactsGlasses   

Aliazeem's Hobbies / Interests

Interests Driving Hobbies Painting / Drawing Music Dont Like Music Reads Not much Reader Movies Action / Adventure Sports Cricket Cuisine Pakistani Dress Style Business Casual - semi formal office wear

Aliazeem's Education and Career

EducationUniversity Professionfinance
EmploymentEmployed IncomeModerate

Aliazeem's Family

Father StatusSecret Total SistersSecret Mother StatusSecret
Sister MarriedSecret Total Brothers2 Brothers Married1

Aliazeem's Religious & Social Background

ReligionMuslim / Islam CastNo Cast ResidenceParents Sub Castpunjabi 
SocializeQuite Often Mother TongueUrdu Family ValuesTraditional

Aliazeem's Cultural Background

Birth CountryPakistan Grewup inPakistan Personal ValuesTraditional LanguagesUrdu

Aliazeem's Life Style

DrinkerNone VegetarianNo

About Aliazeem and His Family


Aliazeem Looking Bride for Shadi

Marital StatusAny Aged18 to 99 years OriginAny ChildrenDont Mind ReligionMuslim / Islam
BuildAny SmokerNone CountryAny DisabilitiesNo Within DistanceAny Miles

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