Aleena91 Shaadi Proposal

We are looking for a suitable match for our niece who is highly educated and pretty
About Aleena91 and Her Life Partner
Looking for a suitable and compatible match for my niece, preferably residing in islamabad. She is 26, slim and very fair.She has a master degree in international relations from UK and a graduate of LUMS. She belongs to a highly educated, well settled and nobel famliy from a posh sector in Islamabad. She is currently working for a think tank in Islamabad. She is exceptionally bright and is a good blend of east and west with strong moral values. She is well read and well-traveled. Please reach out for detailed queries.
Aleena91's Personal and Physical Details
Aleena91's Hobbies / Interests
Aleena91's Education and Career
Aleena91's Family
Aleena91's Religious & Social Background
Aleena91's Cultural Background
Aleena91's Life Style
About Aleena91 and Her Family
2 brother are studying in UK
Father is a business man
Strong family values. Religious but yet modern. Looking for a compatible match with similar values.