Adeel2008 Shaadi Proposal

London London, London City, UK matrimonials
I am Pakistani, U.K Residence looking for a bride from Lahore, Pakistan. I am simple, honest and straight forward person and believe on family values
About Adeel2008 and His Life Partner
I am working in Kuwait Embassy as an Auditor and gradaute from London Metropolitan University in MSc Finance. I have plans for Phd Ecnomics next year.
For me my family is very important. I do not have so many friends because I do not like to share my life others and take time to trust others. But once if I make friend then he/she will remian my friend for rest of life. Thats why my friends are very special for me
Adeel2008's Personal and Physical Details
Adeel2008's Hobbies / Interests
Adeel2008's Education and Career
Adeel2008's Family
Adeel2008's Religious & Social Background
Adeel2008's Cultural Background
Adeel2008's Life Style
About Adeel2008 and His Family
Our family is partially distrubuted in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. I have 2 bros and 2 Sis. My one sis is MA , 2nd sis is MBA, one Bro is MBA and one Bro in school. I am the elder one.