Persian Matrimonials Persian dating online Shaadi Direct Shadi Page 27
Saeedshabibi Marriage proposal
(45 Years)
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Dubayy, UAE
hi my name is saeed and lookinr for a good friend who can be with me every time and wanna share some good and bad too with him
Tariqsapi Shaadi Proposal
(41 Years)
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Velayat-e Kabol, Afghanistan
Eng Tariq Khan Sapi 25 Graduated from Engineering and Employed with international Organization in Kabul.
Syedarif Marriage proposal
(38 Years)
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Balochistan, Pakistan
my name is syed muhammad arif
i need a true friend if u r so than u ppl can contact me..
i dont have any thing more to say
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Zeeshan_aftabpk Wedding proposal
(40 Years)
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Dubayy, UAE
I myself describe in two words, hardworking and honest. I am little lier but not now before i was.
Sajidtipu Shaadi Proposal
(42 Years)
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NWFP, Pakistan
hi i am 27 years male a govt employee here in pakistan very straight and forward, and for same life partner here in pakistan or saudi arabia
Joe_farsi Shaadi Proposal
(35 Years)
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Quebec, Canada
Continental mix looking for love. Either male or female.