London Matrimonials London Shadi online Shaadi - Page 55
Rich Shaadi Proposal
(46 Years)
matrimonials in London,
London City, UK
i will tell you later...
Simplegirl Shaadi Proposal
(50 Years)
matrimonials in London,
London City, UK
For successfull relationship:
IN PUT=love+respect+hon esty+trust &
OUT PUT= Contentment+peace+co nfidence+
Southin Marriage proposal
(41 Years)
matrimonials in London,
London City, UK
I am a student who is looking for some decent chat and talk. Any one is welcome.
Peya Wedding proposal
(42 Years)
matrimonials in London,
London City, UK
do what u want to do take care of ur self must use good food and life style love to all
Aasim Shaadi Proposal
(45 Years)
matrimonials in London,
London City, UK
I m relaiable and helpful. If u wana know some one than ask the people who knows him already......
Rani Shaadi Proposal
(41 Years)
matrimonials in London,
London City, UK
Looking for my soul mate for marriage. If you are sincere in shadi and looking for quick vivah