Telugu Matrimonials Telugu dating online Shaadi Direct Shadi Page 20
Kanna Marriage proposal
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Annuksa Marriage proposal
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Andhra Pradesh, India
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Ramhyd33 Marriage proposal
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Anil4u Wedding proposal
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I Never Wish To Be A STAR, As It Only Shines at NIGHT ... I Wish To be a \"SUN\" Which Always Gives Morning To Everyone\'s Life
Maijaz Marriage proposal
(55 Years)
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Andhra Pradesh, India
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Princeaks Wedding proposal
(42 Years)
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Andhra Pradesh, India
AsSaLaM Wa LaIkUm Hi ThIs Is PrInCeAkS Im PreSuIng M.TeCH In CSIT ,I NeVEr HeArt AnY 1 Im Quite SenCetivE,I Prefrd Islamic ReliGious And ParDa Girls.:)